Are your lungs trapped by your posture?
Find your Elastic Breath to discover ease, power, and deep breathing.
Listen to one man’s experience
The Elastic Breath is a concept I teach in my book When Things Stick: Untangling Your Body From Old Patterns.
When you know how to stand in your bones, and can coordinate the movement of your tongue, diaphragm, and pelvic floor, you can feel the global stretch of your breath.
This course expands on that concept and delivers it to you as simply as attending a workshop or class - whenever you want to.
Through 3 workshop recordings and 10 practice classes, you will open up your breathing by opening up your body.
“I’ve been working for over a year trying to unstick my breathing and return to a natural breath pattern. The three keys and the elastic breathing got me to the basic level of it on the first day. Thank you!”
“Your description of how to breathe into the nasal cavities was very helpful. I can feel the connection with the diaphragm and the pelvis when I do this. The imagery you use is very helpful, easy to follow and remember.
“Who’d have thought that learning a simple posture, breathing exercise and being re-connected with your body would produce such a great result? I am thrilled with how I have so much more energy and confidence and feel so full of vitality than ever before at the tender age of 70.”
“I’m a singer and Elastic Breath has been really transformational in understanding how I breathe. I swear I’ve gained half an octave in my lower register! I’ve taken professional lessons and no one has ever taught me about pelvic breathing.””
This package includes:
(1) One-hour workshop detailing the Elastic Breath ($97) Focus on sinuses, intention, and full body breathing.
(2) Unstick Your Low Back & Hips ($57) One-hour workshop recording teaching you how to find the restorative rotation in your walking pattern.
(3) Free Your Lungs ($195) 10 recorded classes (30min each) to facilitate movement in your ribcage, spine, and collarbone.
Bonus 1: Book + videos ($9.99) Foundational book of my process: When Things Stick: Untangling Your Body From Old Patterns, which includes 6 instructional videos
Bonus 2: Book tutorial ($97) Live workshop recording going over the book in 90 minutes.
TOTAL value: $455.99
Elastic Breath 2.0 package price: $249