What If You Could Feel Calm and Confident In Your Stressed Body Without Running Into the Same Frustrating Blocks?
Here’s How I Use a Multi-Sensory Approach to Dismantle the Mind-Body Blocks That Keep Your Body Armored
[book excerpt starts]
What’s your body saying to you? The entire organization of the body broadcasts messages internally that you can’t ignore, whether you’re conscious of them or not. Physical sensations feed how you think and feel. You know this already - you’re not a beginner. You do yoga, meditation, tai chi - you know how much returning to your body calms your mind. Or maybe you’ve heard that this is true but just don’t know how to get there.
Google your body
If you’re old enough to remember the pre-Google search engine days, you remember how hard it was to retrieve useful information from the internet. Often other search engines returned information that didn’t truly meet your query. By organizing the world’s information, Google made it universally accessible and useful. When you organize your body, you can make the signals you perceive accessible and useful.
Once you understand the signals, you’ll discover your body is as powerful as your brain when it comes to solving problems so you can
feel more physical comfort
find more emotional calm and
get more clarity for action.
You can unstick your body through your sensory system to resolve your persistent limitations.
In this book you’ll learn how you can make sense of body messages so you can feel whole and empowered, connected within yourself so you can connect with others and move forward in your life with clear intention. This approach uses a deep dive into you posture and walking in order to make that happen.
Self-control vs self-regulation
When you learn how to find your sensing posture, you learn to distinguish between self-control and self-regulation. Self-control is suppression to stop or prevent the body from doing what it’s doing. It’s a hierarchical approach that says top controls bottom.
Self-regulation is giving the body what it needs so it can do things better. It’s a relational approach that says bottom informs top, and the conversation goes both ways. You learn self-regulation by understanding and responding to the body’s needs. And you communicate with your own body through your sensing posture.
Before you read any further, let’s try an example of how this might work in your body…
Stand with your feet 2-3 inches apart. Now, do the following move internally and imagine you are doing it so no one can notice it. Position your pelvis as if you are about to take a seat, and send your shins forward at the same time. Remember, it’s an internal shift, imperceptible to observers. Take at least 30 seconds to notice what happens.Take longer if you wish.
What changed for you? How did you feel in the whole of your body?
Now position your head to listen to the sounds around you, and keep doing what you did above. Imagine you are waiting in line somewhere. Imagine people around you are impatient and stressed about waiting in line.
How do you feel? What changed now?
If you feel more grounded and settled, more spacious and open in the chest, or more relaxed in your shoulders, that’s a good sign. (If not, try it with your eyes closed). It’s such a minor change to stand with these instructions, yet the change in your whole body experience can be significant. When the body finds stability, the brain understands trust. You’ll learn this through your Sensing Posture
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In this book, I share how to restore balance and power in your body without strain or loads of time. You learn how to inhabit your body the way it was designed to work.
Plus, I'm going to give you a way to integrate any changes into your daily life so you can stop feeling like everything only helps a little, and finally move forward by leaps and bounds into a body you can trust.
…and you’ll also receive these bonuses
#1: 6 instructional videos plus one bonus video of a standing meditation
#2: bonus workbook “Conversations with Your Body” to help you know what to look for as you go through the exercises
#3: bonus explainer booklet “Weight Shift and Infinity Explained” to help you bring one of the lessons from the book into walking
#4 access to a private Facebook group to post questions and get additional instructions
”It was like a small miracle took place. After the Elastic Breath exercise, I realised for as long as I can remember I have never experienced proper breathing and have consequently been in a constant state of tension and panic. AND I’m making better eating choices (WEIRD). I have a new sense of responsibility to my body and am making slower, more deliberate choices. I want my body to be well and nourished.” ”
“”I was stunned, laughing out loud and crying, when I hit the three keys and my body ‘stood itself up’. That’s what it felt like anyway. Weightless, effortless and with incredible balance. I felt like I was in a new body. Gorgeous feeling. The layers, and backup systems the body has for doing things. Amazing. Who knew?? 😮 Thank you for your work.””
Hi there, I’m the author Sue Choi.
I’ve been working with clients and their bodies for over 2 decades through movement and therapeutic touch. You can read my full bio HERE.
This book will give you a new approach to feel centered, calm, and powerful in your body when you need it most. When you understand how the body sends you messages of comfort and support, you have access to your internal resources.
More reader comments
"I got this book on a whim last week and have already discovered some very helpful ideas for my body self. I've had bodywork of various kinds forever (82 now) and this book is making several rather dramatic differences."
"This is one of the most well thought out and informative ebooks I’ve ever purchased. Thank you."
"It was phenomenal to experience how my attitude limits me, because the resistance I have toward doing this stuff Is enormous. And I realized that when I come at it from a place of light and power it feels effortless.”
"The very first exercise in the book was really life changing for me! Can't wait to get to the rest of the book!!"
"I've been quite obsessed with learning more about trauma and how we hold it in our nervous system for a little while now. Some of these can be quite heavy to digest. I find that for the content it's a really easy read and it feels nurturing in the delivery of the material. I am also enjoying the body awareness exercises. I thought I had a pretty good appreciation of myself and it's giving me a different perspective.”
"What a great feeling! I can do this and feel lighter, brighter, more open, free and confident...You have managed to put together an outstanding orchestration of information and several specialized practices and share it all in a manner that is caring and so thoroughly integrated that it becomes simply miraculous."
"I found a whole new way to hold my head using your cues. I could feel how that gives me more access to my sinuses, my upper chest. I feel so open. Really different way to approach breathing."
"I am truly amazed at how the movement in this book has helped reduce my body pain. Thank you so much!!"
"I have been savoring and enjoying the exercises. I am able to stand and step into action in style. Grounded and competent, strong and in balance."
"I came to your work from a place of self-doubt. Your work is a significant contributor to my return to wholeness."
”I felt the change, my knees and hips stopped hurting and emotionally I felt more open and strong.”