Save time and frustration - use this integrated path to resolve your embodied pain…
so you can finally connect the dots across everything you’ve studied so far.
If you can move in and out of a chair without aid and walk outside for 30 minutes without feeling out of breath, you can absolutely restore your body: a fresh perspective can change everything.
“You have this incredible way of tying all the loose ends up of so many things that I’ve heard and been involved with for so many years.
“I love the simplicity of the 3 keys and already finding a great benefit. I feel more grounded and my bowel function is so much better. All within a matter of days. ”
“I was stunned, laughing out loud and crying, when I hit the three keys and my body ‘stood itself up’. That’s what it felt like anyway. Weightless, effortless and with incredible balance. I felt like I was in a new body. Gorgeous feeling. Amazing. Who knew??”
After having thousands of people test this out, I can assure you that you are not facing a future of limitations due to chronic aches and pains.
The 3 Keys are designed to restructure your fascia all at once. By using the precision of the 3 Keys, you’ll learn how to allow your bones to take the weight of your body.
There are two main reasons you got here:
First, the accumulation of poor postural habits result in muscles staying tight all the time when they shouldn’t be.
Second, the internal gestures we unconsciously take to protect ourselves emotionally feed into a postural shape that we may not even know we’re taking.
The 3 Keys are:
*the base of your skull
*the sacrum
*the Shins, near the ankles
Once you learn how to coordinate these together, you will carry yourself in an entirely different way. It’s so much easier than you think.
Plus it’s also just a lot of fun to discover just how easy it can be to feel free in your body.
Hi there, I'm Sue.
For over 23 years, I've helped people find freedom in their bodies with efficient, well-designed solutions. You can read more about my background here.
I specialize in efficient solutions to hard-to-resolve issues that addresses both body and mind. And I've put these insights into practical, accessible online programs that will unstick your body.
Maybe you are consciously integrating all the different things that you’ve learned, yet you only seem to get temporary solutions?
I've seen over and over that when you're given...
**the right framework
**the precise way to activate that framework can open up a deep capacity for attention and thoughtfulness that gives you an entirely new experience of your body.
Get access to solutions that have worked with thousands of people
Through decades of working with clients to restore their body's natural function, I've developed an approach that works when other things haven't.
This offer is a taste of what's possible. Even if you don't continue learning more with me, what you discover in this course alone will give you insights to last for your lifetime.
“It’s really wonderful. I had low back surgery four years ago, and have been trying to find a way to reconnect with my body in a way that doesn’t re-injure me. This has been great! ”
“I am much more stable in my body - this is pretty amazing to feel such a difference! Your instruction is so clear and on point.”
Get started today with this special intro offer
3 Keys to Unlock Your Body
What you’ll get
8 short videos to explain and demonstrate the keys
a troubleshooting section
a live recording of a 30-minute Q&A session
a live recording of a 45-min workshop on using the 3 Keys in daily life
a 30-day challenge to help you integrate this into your daily life
You’ll also get these 3 bonuses:
Bonus #1: A digital copy of my book: When Things Stick: Untangling Your Body From Old Patterns.
The 3 Keys is the first of 6 concepts in this book that teaches you how to come back home to your body. This book contains 6 instructional videos.
Bonus #2: Conversations with your body: A workbook on how to self-learn.
Learning to move your body in order to feel for something (instead of in order to do something) can be an unusual experience. In this guide, I'll indicate what to look for, what to avoid, and how to build the conversation you'll have with your body so you can gain the insights that break old patterns.Bonus #3: Finding Your Center
This booklet will take you through three self-tests to help you identify where you can improve your body organization to find your center. Includes an instructional video.
“Amazing. I’m surprised how my body and my relationship with my body has changed with just this small introduction to your work. I particularly resonate with your concepts of ‘listening with the whole of yourself’, and that has been like a lightbulb going on for me.”
Since reading your book, I have begun to stand and walk with purpose. It’s made me think about my body in ways I have never before. I even noticed my body automatically does a 3 Keys switch-on in the morning. ”
I offer a 30-day money back guarantee for this course. If you are unsatisfied with your purchase of the 3 Keys to Unlock Your Body for any reason, you can return it for a full refund within 30 days or purchase, no questions asked.
What most people haven't taught you
Your body in movement is complex, but it doesn't know itself in terms of isolated movements or a single muscle or a dominate nerve. It's a system that is designed, at a very deep and coordinated level, to work as a whole.
** If you try to correct posture by working on only one area, it just doesn't work.**
In this course, you will learn a whole-body approach to help you organize yourself in standing and during up/down movement. After using this process, people report feeling:
*an immediate global shift in posture
*elongated and at ease
*relaxed and open in the chest and shoulders
*lighter, more spacious overall
*relief from back pain
When you discover how to organize yourself through key feedback loops, your body will demand to let go of old patterns.
The 3 Keys to Unlock Your Body provides the framework for a sustainable process to find freedom in your body.
"I had to shovel snow the other day and was dreading it. I felt so powerful and fluid - I had so much energy. At my age, I didn't think that was possible." -V.H., age 70
"Thank you, Sue, that was great. I have been doing lots of different kinds of movements with my body, but this little thing has really changed something immediately.” -S.W. age 72
"The brilliance of the "3 Keys" is that unlocking these 3 pivotal spots in the body unlocks almost everything." -C.S, age 45
Why it works: context matters
Your body responds to the needs placed upon it. When you learn to use the whole of your body for any specific body issue, you create a context that the body understands.
Have you ever tried to change your feet by massaging them? Did those changes last? Your feet change as you change the way your entire body moves in relation to it. They are designed that way.
Dealing with chronic shoulder issues? Have you ever been taught how to manage the weight of your head to fix that? When your entire spine does not manage the head, the shoulders often do the work.
Does your low back bother you? Your pelvis reorganizes when the head and feet operate better, i.e. when the context changes.
This course gives you the fastest way to experience what this means.
What thoughtful design gives you
These well-designed movement lessons have maximum impact without strain. Here are some outcomes that people report.
Which one do you want for yourself?
*Move with youthful energy you thought you lost.
*Feel stability that translates into mental focus
*Feel effortless power when doing physical tasks outdoors.
*Find trust in your capacity to face challenges that previously made you shrink
*Spontaneously do something you previously could not do (climb a ladder, balance on one foot while removing a shoe, walk down multiple flights of stairs without knee pain).
*Wake up feeling ready for the day without elaborate stretching.
"It’s remarkable that I'm able to stand up straight, all day chopping vegetables in the kitchen, without effort. And sitting in the car on long rides - no neck pain! I can't stop talking about it.” -M.P., age 65
“Something extraordinary has happened… the tightness in my ankles has gone away – it just went away! I felt stuck, so tight for so long, but because my ankles feel so open now, I can feel that I’m coming together.” -CW age 68
"I have increased ease of movement and renewed strength, inner integrity and flexibility. What a great feeling! I can do this and feel lighter, brighter, more open, free and confident. It is simply miraculous that I can feel like this." -T.S., age 66