Want to Finally Feel STRONG and CALM in a Body You Can Trust?
Here’s How Thousands Have Used a Multi-Sensory Approach to Create Physical and Emotional Flexibility
Listen to one woman’s experience:
In this book, I share how you can find embodied resilience by restoring balance and power in your body.
These changes happen at the deepest level of your body’s organizational control center, which transforms your internal experience of your body on a fundamental level.
You feel more centered and calm.
You feel more stable and powerful.
You feel more capable to respond to all the unexpected demands that come your way.
I teach you a way to integrate changes into your daily life so you can stop feeling like you have to work so hard to keep it all together.
The book includes 6 instructional videos that illustrate the critical adjustments you can make to your posture and movement to change how you feel in your body all day long.
You'll discover
** the reasons you are stuck,
** why your current strategies aren't working, and
** the strategy and tools that you can use every day that will change the way you do normal daily actions.
You can easily apply this new approach because it's fundamentally what the body is already designed to do: stand and walk with ease and power.
“You have this incredible way of tying all the loose ends up of so many things that I’ve heard and been involved with for so many years.”
Your body has evolved over millions of years to support you.
Are you ready to take advantage of that history?
With your book purchase, you’ll receive these bonuses
#1: bonus workbook
“Conversations with Your Body” to help you know what to look for as you go through the exercises
#2: bonus workbook
“Find Your Center” with assessment tests and solution video
Digital book price $9.99
“I bought the book a week ago, and it has already changed the way I walk! Yesterday I just wanted to keep walking for miles - I felt in harmony with my body and a real sense of ease and flow in my movements. I haven’t felt that since I was a kid! I can feel there is something really special in what you’re doing.”
“This book is the first of its kind. Finally, something I haven’t already seen and tried that seems to make sense for me. Thank you for your dedication to this book. This information is invaluable and an instruction manual for optimal living. The best $10 that I have ever spent!”
Is This Multi-Sensory Approach the Missing Link to Coherently Understand Your Mind-Body?
If you’re ready to try this system to move past the old patterns that make you feel out of alignment with how you want to show up in the world, while feeling incredibly stable and free in your body,
you can learn the principles and skills that give you the confidence and trust in yourself to take a risk you wouldn't have thought you could handle before.
That might mean
Having that difficult conversation you've been avoiding
Or standing up for yourself because now you are clear about what you want
Or creatively solving a problem that you've been avoiding
Or taking that step to finish what you started
Or moving towards something you want instead of treading water, doing just what you need to
...and learn how to eliminate the self-doubt or emotional conflict so you can find your calm, power, and inspiration you’ve been seeking.
My book, When Things Stick: Untangling Your Body From Old Patterns, can show you exactly how.
The advantages of using this method are outlined in the book, but at the very core of this method are these realities:
You can become expert at self-regulating when you need it most...
You already have a template for a resolution process to meet challenges, you just need a little help accessing it, and...
You can learn a fresh perspective on how to move forward with clarity because you'll be able to connect with the whole of yourself.
This is the best way to develop your mind-body integrity because through well-designed changes to your posture and movement, you can transform how you live in your body every day.
If you’re ready to feel at peace in your mind and with your body ...
“”I was stunned, laughing out loud and crying, when I hit the three keys and my body ‘stood itself up’. That’s what it felt like anyway. Weightless, effortless and with incredible balance. I felt like I was in a new body. Gorgeous feeling. Amazing. Who knew?? 😮 .””
Hi there, I’m the author Sue Choi.
I’ve been working with clients and their bodies for over 2 decades through movement and therapeutic touch. You can read my full bio HERE.
This book will give you a new approach to feel centered, calm, and powerful in your body when you need it most. When you understand how the body sends you messages of comfort and support, you have access to your internal resources.
I offer a 365-day money back guarantee on this e-book. If you are NOT Completely satisfied with the e-book purchased directly from me, you can return it, no questions asked.
Here’s a Look at What You’ll Discover When You Get Your Digital Copy of When Things Stick: Untangling Your Body From Old Patterns
Lesson 1:
How to identify and activate three key pivot points in your body to rapidly work out the kinks, like this professional violinist: "Just incorporating the few things from your introduction has made a big difference. My neck and shoulder pain has decreased significantly."
Lesson 2:
How to find your power without straining, like this woman “I could really feel this all the way up to my ribs and sternum, which have been stuck for so long. My body and I are absolutely loving this.”
Lesson 3:
How to breathe with ease by letting the whole body breathe you - "I found a whole new way to hold my head using that cue. I could feel how that gives me more access to my sinuses, my upper chest. I feel so open. Really different way to approach breathing."
Lesson 4:
How to leverage the body's design to metabolize old patterns - "What a great feeling! I can do this and feel lighter, brighter, more open, free and confident...You have managed to put together an outstanding orchestration of information and several specialized practices and share it all in a manner that is caring and so thoroughly integrated that it becomes simply miraculous."
Lesson 5:
How to elongate your spine and take up your space - An effortless posture is full of physical benefits, but more significantly sends messages of self-worth back to you. "I came to your work from a place of self-doubt. Your work is a significant contributor to my return to wholeness."
Lesson 6:
How to use your visual system in a way that aligns with your body and mind - Your visual system organizes your posture and attention. When you understand how your whole body sees, you sync your body's posture to your mental attention. "I was curious and then amazed at the effect it had on me. Ingenious."
You’ll also learn…
How to organize your whole body to discover the strength you didn't know how to access - When your body is well-organized, the whole system works as it was designed and you'll discover strength you didn't know you had. “This is definitely a five star experience. These small movements have allowed me to inhabit my body in a completely new way. I am more integrated, balanced, and flexible, and, strangely, stronger. I somehow seem larger and yet more agile in myself. This is a big surprise for someone who is 70.”
A path to effortless posture - "I felt really pleasant feeling of effortless standing without having to THINK. I'm finding that more and more, my stance is different, I'm feeling like my legs are under me in a more connected way...I am really enjoying the exploration."
A system that gives you back your time and body at once - When you work with your body through multiple sensory signals at once, you invite your body to take over and help you move towards more balance and ease. "I can change my whole body climate by running through these simple movements. Just doing them connects every part of my body and releases every part of my body."
A perspective that brings together sensing, emotions, thinking, and action. When you learn the principles and skills that start with the body first, but integrate back up into mental abstractions that are both meaningful and make sense, you find the flow and break through what’s stuck.
A unique approach you haven't seen before. "There are lots of good techniques and exercises in here, discourse covers things I’ve never seen anywhere else. I have incorporated the exercises into my routine."
And much, much more!
More reader comments
“I am thrilled with so many things, but one notable is the humanity in this book. There is honesty and candor, making expectations of reader and author very clear; and I love that she actually gives resources instead of just hinting at them. Finally, generosity--a book that is written not just as a marketing piece, but one that is actually a resource and helps explain the current problem AND solutions.”
“More than with any other practices, I feel like this work allows the body to find this trust not only structurally but from a nervous system level as well. It was amazing how grounded and more efficient my walking was for days after our session. My body is craving to feel those new patterns.”
"I got this book on a whim last week and have already discovered some very helpful ideas for my body self. I've had bodywork of various kinds forever (82 now) and this book is making several rather dramatic differences."
"This is one of the most well thought out and informative ebooks I’ve ever purchased. Thank you."
"It was phenomenal to experience how my attitude limits me, because the resistance I have toward doing this stuff Is enormous. And I realized that when I come at it from a place of light and power it feels effortless.”
"The very first exercise in the book was really life changing for me! Can't wait to get to the rest of the book!!"
"I've been quite obsessed with learning more about trauma and how we hold it in our nervous system for a little while now. Some of these can be quite heavy to digest. I find that for the content it's a really easy read and it feels nurturing in the delivery of the material. I am also enjoying the body awareness exercises. I thought I had a pretty good appreciation of myself and it's giving me a different perspective.”
"What a great feeling! I can do this and feel lighter, brighter, more open, free and confident...You have managed to put together an outstanding orchestration of information and several specialized practices and share it all in a manner that is caring and so thoroughly integrated that it becomes simply miraculous."
"I found a whole new way to hold my head using your cues. I could feel how that gives me more access to my sinuses, my upper chest. I feel so open. Really different way to approach breathing."
"I am truly amazed at how the movement in this book has helped reduce my body pain. Thank you so much!!"
"I have been savoring and enjoying the exercises. I am able to stand and step into action in style. Grounded and competent, strong and in balance."
"I came to your work from a place of self-doubt. Your work is a significant contributor to my return to wholeness."
”I felt the change, my knees and hips stopped hurting and emotionally I felt more open and strong.”