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Why posture matters (the answer might surprise you)

You’ve heard about the importance of posture - how it impacts your mood, breathing, spine, etc. Frankly, that part of posture can be a bit bland, which is why you end up not terribly concerned about it until you glance in the mirror and look hunched over. Or until your neck hurts and you can’t pick up your child. Or your back hurts and you have to sit with all sorts of contraptions to be in an ‘ergonomic’ position.

But you know what matters more than that? It’s how posture shapes your inner experience.

Posture is how you interact with the world.

It’s how you animate your body.

It’s how you take up the space - how you matter.

It’s how you pay attention to others.

It’s the way you organize yourself to be present.

When you organize the whole of yourself in a way that connects you to the forces larger than you (gravity, light, sound), you expand your presence.

You inhabit your body in a new way. You don't just take a new posture, you become a new posture. Feeling and meaning intersect in your body to dictate the new posture you become.

In my book “When Things Stick: Untangling Your Body From Old Patterns, you learn new concepts that take you into your new posture.

You learn:

*how to feel your internal support
*how to find your power without strain
*how to find your ease of breath
*how to move forward
*how to take up your space

It's not mere data - it's your living breathing body that speaks back to you and says

"You're supported."
"You're safe."
"You're capable."
"You're more than you think you can be."

You'll trust it because you'll feel it. You won't have to fake it to create it.

Are you ready to find your personal power, the posture you were meant to be?

Click HERE to learn more about the intro course “The 3 Keys to Unlock Your Body”.